What is the top speed of the HH 60 Pave Hawk?
The top speed of the HH-60 Pave Hawk is approximately 190 knots (222 mph or 357 km/h) at sea level. However, its maximum speed is typically limited to around 150 knots (173 mph or 278 km/h) during normal operations, as it is designed for search and rescue, medical evacuation, and combat search and rescue missions.
The Pave Hawk’s high-speed performance is not its primary focus, as it is typically used in low-to-medium altitude environments, such as 500-10,000 feet (150-3,000 meters), where its agility and maneuverability are more important.
Here are some key performance characteristics of the HH-60 Pave Hawk:
Maximum speed: 190 knots (222 mph or 357 km/h)
Cruise speed: 120-150 knots (138-173 mph or 222-278 km/h)
Rate of climb: 1,200 feet per minute (6.1 meters per second)
Range: approximately 500 nautical miles (575 miles or 925 kilometers)
Service ceiling: 20,000 feet (6,100 meters)
Maximum altitude: 30,000 feet (9,100 meters)
Keep in mind that these performance characteristics may vary depending on the specific mission requirements, aircraft configuration, and environmental conditions.